“What’s This About?”

The Media and Us - we need the media, and the media needs us. Whether we like it or not, admit to it or not. This newsletter aims to explain this relationship, how it works, how one influences the other, and the outcomes and what can be done to improve this relationship.

This newsletter aims to teach you about media literacy so you could better understand what you see and hear. It will also aim for you to develop self-awareness about how you, the audience and the consumer, is processing the media’s messages. This newsletter will also aim to make sense of the news media and critique its actions. Critiquing both the news media and its audience is the goal here, as well as explaining how this dysfunctional relationship works.

“When and How?”

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. I’ll send out this newsletter every Monday for the time being, or unless WWIII breaks out, and then I’ll figure something.

“And you are…?”

Fair question! I’m a freelance journalist, writer and editor from Brooklyn, NY. I have been in news on and off since 2004, and have been freelancing regularly since 2017. I write about education, politics, mental health, as well as women's issues and some business stories. I am also an adjunct English professor at three NYC colleges, and my experience teaching English writing courses have helped fuel my desire to get people to obtain Media Literacy. More on that in upcoming newsletters.

You can learn more about me first on my website.

Subscribe to The Media & Us

How we interpret the media is up to us. Proceed wisely.


Freelance journalist covering education, politics, feminism, mental health. Literary writer writing poems, plays, novels, etc. Media Literacy explainer.